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PowerBook Daughterboard, Processor 33MHz (180c) : Used

Original Apple, fully tested 33MHz PowerBook 180c processor daughterboard. This board consists of a 33MHz Motorola 68030 microprocessor with a Motorola 68882 coprocessor. This board also contains the external video port (Mini-15). Although the board is almost identical to the 165c daughterboard and carries the same part number, the 165c board has an additional Western Digital chip providing support for FSTN LCD panels. This chip is missing from the 180c board.

The daughterboard also has both the factory supplied 4MB RAM and PSRAM expansion ports. The PSRAM expansion card was an optional upgrade that was selectable at the point of purchase. This meant that the amount of memory could be upgraded from the original 4MB to 8MB or 14MB via an expansion card.

Condition : Used

Used but fully tested part.

Part Number(s) : 661-0684, 820-0427

Warranty : 12 months

Model : 661-0684R

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